The Falkland Islands

The Falkland Islands are 490 kilometers east of the mainland of South America and about 1200 kilometers north of Antarctica. There are two main islands, East and West Falkand, and several hundred smaller islands. The better wildlife sites are on the small islands off the west side of West Falkland.

New Island

New Island is the westernmost inhabited island in the Falklands.

"Protector" shipwreck on landing beach landscape introduced rabbits

Tussock grass grows on the Falklands, but there are no trees, due to the high winds. Introducing rabbits to the Falklands was not a great idea - they multiply fast, eat everything, and have few enemies.

female kelp goose male kelp goose Falklands pintail duck upland geese

Ducks and geese wander along the landing beach.

bird colony

The bird colony hosts rockhopper penguins, blue-eyed shags (cormorants), black-browed albatrosses, and predators: kelp gulls, Falklands skuas, and hawk-like striated caracaras, which the local people call "johnny rooks". The caracaras are fearless and mischievous.

adult rockhopper penguin rockhopper penguin chick adult nest burrow

blue-eyed shag adult blue-eued shag chick adult shag feeding chick cormorant on nest

black-browed albatross on nest black-browed albatross chick black-browed albatross

kelp gull on nest

Falklands skua skua nest skua

striated caracara caracara mischief striated caracara

Saunders Island

Saunders island Magellanic penguin and chick adult king penguins male goose female geese gull in flight

Rare Magellanic penguins nest in burrows in the sheep pastures on Saunders Island and are common here. There are also rockhopper penguins, gentoo penguins, and a small colony of king penguins, as well as geese.

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