The Petite Côte (Small Coast) area lies a two hour drive south of Dakar.
The village of La Somone, where we stayed, is just north of the major package-tourist area (domaine touristique) at Saly-Portugal.
Jan-François (6W7RV) and Corrine Lorne own a rent-a-QTH in La Somone called Le Calao (Hornbill) with four efficiency apartments, a ham radio station, a pool, and two cats.
JF is an avid bird-watcher.
Corrine is a gardener.
The Réserve de la Somone, a community-owned bird sanctuary, includes the lagoon between La Somone and Popenguine, the next village to the north. It is home to 150 species of birds, especially ospreys and grey pelicans. JF came along on our visit there.
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