Shark Reef and Jolande

Shark and Jolande Reefs lie at the southern tip of Ras Mohammed. The north-south current takes you from Shark Reef to Jolande Reef. The Jolande was a Cypriot freighter that sank here on April 1, 1980. Most of the wreck washed off the reef into deep (530') water in a heavy storm in 1987, but her cargo of bathtubs and ceramic toilets remains on the reef from 50' to 80'.

purple and orange soft coral purple soft coral orange and purple soft coral soft coral sea fan and soft coral toilets, cargo from Jolande bathtiubs, cargo from Jolande


giant moray eel bluestreak cleaner wrasse on giant moray cave cleaner shrimp on giant moray Giant moray, Gymnothorax javanicus, with common cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus, and Bruun's cleaning partner shrimp, Uracaridella antonbruunii

cave cleaner shrimp Bruun's cleaning partner shrimp, Uracaridella antonbruunii

slingjaw wrasse Sling-jaw wrasse, Epibulus insidiator

yellowbar angelfish Arabian angelfish, Pomacanthus maculosus

coral hind Coral grouper, Cephalopholis miniata

orange-striped triggerfish Orange-striped triggerfish, Balistapus undulatus

juvenile clown coris Clown sand wrasse, Coris aygula

unknown wrasse?? Female vermiculate wrasse, Macropharyngodon bipartitus

male bullethead parrotfish eating coral Parrotfish, Scarus sp.

blacktip grouper Blacktip grouper, Epinephelus fasciatus

sailfin tang Sailfin tang, Zebrasima desjardinii

shrimp gogy Shrimp goby, Amblyeleotris sp.

nudibranch: Phyllidia ? Wart slug nudibranch, Phyllidia cf elegans

gold-dotted flatworm Yellowspot flatworm, Thysanazoon flavomaculatum

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Last modified 4 November 2024