Flatworms are the most primitive animals with bilateral symmetry. They have a single body opening on the ventral surface.
Polyclad flatworm, Pseudoceros sp.
Polyclad flatworm, Pseudoceros galatheensis
Flatworm, Pseudoceros hancockanus
Polyclad flatworm, Pseudoceros sp.
Unidentified polyclad flatworm, Pseudobiceros sp.
Fan worms:
Feather duster worm, Sabellastarte sp.
Unidrntified tube worm, unidentified species
Unidentified tube worm, unidentified species
Unidentified tube worm, unidentified species
Unidntified tube worm, unidentified species
Unidentified fan worm, unidentified species
Unidentified fan worm, unidentified species
Unidentified tube worm, unidentified species
Unidentified fan worm, unidentified species
Unidentified fam worms, unidentified species
Unidentified tube worm, unidentified species
Unidentified feather duster worm, Sabellastarte sp.
Feather duster worm, Bispira sp.
Other worms:
Christmas tree worms, Spirobranchius giganteus
Grand coral worm snail, Serpulorbis grandis; this animal is actually a snail.
Unidentified, unidentified species
Amphora fire worm, Chloeia cf amphora
Sea star scale worm, Asterophilia carlae
Tube-building worm, unidentified Onuphidae species
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Last modified 31 October 2024