Patagonia Photo Gallery: Condors

The Andean condor, Vultur gryphus, is a large black vulture with a ruff of white feathers around its neck and large white patches on its wings. Adults have a maximum wingspan of 3.3 meters and a maximum weight of 15 kg, making it one of the largest flying birds and the largest birds of prey. They are some of the longest-lived birds, with a lifespan of up to 70 years. The head and neck are nearly featherless and are dull red in color. Adult males have a wattle on the neck and a large dark comb (caruncle) on the crown of the head.

Adult females lack the comb on the head.

Juveniles are greyish-brown.

Juvenile males have the comb on the head.

Condors are primarily scavengers. Their feet and talons are not adapted for grasping, so they feed on the ground.

The easiest place to photograph Andean condors is in the late afternoon at Estancia Olga Teresa. Cerro Palomares is an extended 700' slope facing into the strong prevailing winds with a 60' rocky cliff where hundreds of the birds roost at night.

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Last modified 28 December 2023